Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Feeling A Little Down

I know, I know, way to ruin a blog.  But it's my blog, and I'm feeling pretty down and maybe if I get it out, it will help.  I am down because:

  1. WHM's party is this Saturday, and true to (almost) all parties where I have a hand in planning, we're getting far more "no" replies than "yes."  And I'm talking by a ratio of about 6 to 1.  (Yes, it is accurate.  You know me.  I calculated.)  I know it's not personal, and I don't take it that way, but it is definitely frustrating.  On the other hand, CAM's party was fantastic and I am thankful that it was that way around this year -- last year, WHM had all the guests and CAM had almost none -- because CAM's old enough to know now, and WHM won't know the difference!  (See?  This writing it out thing is making me feel better already.)
  2. We're moving.  I need to get packing.  I have no idea how it is all going to come together.  I just know it will.  But it stresses me in the meantime. By the way, do you have any boxes?  I don't mind pulling all nighters to pack; I just need something to pack in.
  3. I delayed in ordering favors for WHM's party to better match the RSVP's.  I finally said, "forget it" to the RSVP-waiting-thing, and the favors are sold out and have been for ten days now.  So much for trying to plan well.  I am super bummed, and have been unable to find the favors anywhere else, so it's a bigger bummer than just having to buy them elsewhere. 
  4. It's very difficult to find a job in Maine (or NH) when one is in Georgia.  Very difficult.  Consequently, there is mucho frustration-o in my world.
  5. I didn't practice WHM's Thomas cake, so instead of a true tank engine cake, he's getting a scenery cake.  That disappoints probably no one except for me, but still...  I let myself down because in my head, I am letting him down.
  6. And the usual other stuff, only worse than usual.  Blah Blah Blah.
Anyway, that's it for now.  My sister is moving to Florida in a few weeks, and I'm moving to Maine, and there is a modicum of freaking going on in my head and heart.

The good news is Courtney's coming tomorrow for the day, and we're going to party plan and cook a PW dinner and watch the last two hours of Dexter.  So I am very excited about that.  Very, very excited about that!  And one set of WHM's godparents* are able to make it to his party, and I am very super excited about THAT. 

And the Hatfields and McCoys was awesome last night with limited commercial interruption and I am hoping for more awesomeness tonight.

I promise to cheer up, pronto.  Thanks for letting me whine a little.  I needed that!


* If I haven't explained it before, neither his godmother nor his godfather were married when we asked them to be godparents.  Now they're both married (and not to each other!) so WHM has two sets of "godparents," or at least that's how we look at it!


  1. I'm sorry things aren't going well, so I'm sending the magic turn-around fairy your way right now.

    My husband is also watching the Hatfields and McCoys. He tried to entice me, but I had too much writing to do (code for: online shoe shopping).

    Hang in there.

    1. Thank you. I needed the turn-around fairy. If you read today's post, it clearly worked -- so let me know when I can ever return the favor. :)
