Well, the program is run by one of the school-year teachers and staffed by many, but not all, of the school-year teachers. Yesterday we got an email about the first day stuff, and it was signed by the teachers. Trouble is, it didn't mention any of the assistants, and WHM's class last year had Miss Edna as the main teacher and Miss Stephanie as the assistant.
I was just brushing WHM's teeth, and this was our conversation:
ME: WHM, are you excited to go to school today and see Miss Edna?
WHM: Mmm hmmm. And Miss Steph-a-nie. [He pronounces each syllable of Stephanie very specifically.]
ME: Well, honey, I don't know if Miss Stephanie is going to be there. I know Miss Edna will be there.
WHM, exasperated: MOM. EE. Miss Steph-a-nie will be dare. She WIVS in my CASSwoom.
I love how kids talk - well-captured!