Thursday, August 23, 2012

New Job: Day 1

Well, let's start out by saying that I survived. 

Despite being pretty confident that the sky was falling, I managed to keep the clouds out of my head and my head out of the clouds, and I made it through the day.  It was not without bumps (I had to text Mick to please bring me socks and sneakers because I was so insanely cold the only way I was going to warm up was with my feet covered and a blanket -- but don't worry, for professionalism's sake I skipped the blanket; we took a bus tour of the city than ran an hour late and the bus was probably 100 degrees), but I made it.  Just like the people who reached out to me via Facebook, in person  everyone was wonderfully nice.  Best of all, I came home and my parents were here from NY, Mick had made me a cake, and we all went out to a birthday dinner.  I started out the day crying almost all the way to work, but I made it.  I did it.  And I can do it again tomorrow.

As you can probably imagine, I have a LOT to tell you about. 

But, it's my birthday.  So I'm going to go back to my glass of wine -- oh, wait!  I need to pour a glass of wine! -- put my feet back up on the coffee table, and watch Suits. 

I am quite positive I will have plenty of fodder for blogging for at least a month already, and it's only been Day 1!

(Note to bloggers everywhere:  if you want blog topics, get a job in a school.  Before the end of your first month, you'll have enough fodder -- both good and bad -- for an entire year's worth of posts.) 

Happy Birthday to me!


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