This month
(well, June, and it's still technically June for another 86 minutes) with
Sweet As Pie, we had three recipes and a bonus. The recipes were
Hot Corn Dip,
Country Quiche,
Brown Rice Greek Salad, and a bonus of banana pudding.
The first two were both from Trisha Yearwood's Food Network show, and were my picks. The other two I tried to make, I really did, but I wasn't feeling super motivated. Unlike my friend
Kristin (or my husband, for that matter), I don't like banana pudding. Actually, unless they are mashed into cake or bread or sliced and served in Cheerios, I don't really care for bananas at all. And brown rice just is not my favorite texture in the world. I did buy the ingredients, I promise ... but I never quite mustered up the "I will make this for dinner tonight" motivation. So, we were two-for-four this month.
(I'm kind-of okay with that, considering that in the past YEAR we've been almost zero-for-all. The I-will-do-everything-I-commit-to part of me is distinctly not okay with that, but the Hey-you-can't-win-'em-all part of me is celebrating that I made anything at all this crazy year.)
But this post is about the hot corn dip.
I picked this recipe this month because about 13 years ago, when we first built our first house in Georgia, we were invited to a Super Bowl party where I devoured
(devoured!!!!) a corn dip that I would not have eaten if I had known it was a corn dip, but which I couldn't get enough of before I knew that little fact. When say I loved it, I mean it. There was one night months later, that I remember making the dip and sitting in the driveway of friends of ours, all of us circled around just being social, and I put the bowl in my lap with a bag of chips and ate it. All of it. For no reason except that I could.
My friend Paige still talks about "that night Jen ate corn dip for dinner."
So hopefully you get the idea: I am a glutton.
Well, yes, but my point was, I was intrigued by a new recipe for a different corn dip. And a hot corn dip, to boot!
Here's the scoop.
(Bwah hah hah, I crack myself up!!!!)
Hot Corn Dip
Verdict: Not bad! If you like corn dips, this will satisfy -- but it could stand a kick-up in the spice department.
Cook it again: Probably ... it will depend, if I am craving a corn dip, on what is in the house.
Cost factor: $10-ish? Could fluctuate depending on cheese prices and what you have in the house. That is just the dip -- you also need chips.
Where was Mexicorn my whole life? I don't know if this is one of those things I never had growing up because my parents don't eat spicy food and were afraid of this, or if it, like bite-size Snickers bars, did not exist for some unknown unGodly reason.
In any case, this recipe is ridiculously simple.
First, pour yourself a nice tall glass of ice cold Moscato. There's not a single knife to break out in this recipe, so celebrate the fact that your fingers are safe.
Then, take two cans of Mexicorn and two cans of chopped/diced green chiles.
Drain them both and combine them in a bowl with a cup of mayonnaise, 2/3
of a cup of grated Parmesan cheese, and 2 cups of grated Monterrey Jack cheese.
Why yes, that is el-junko Parmesan cheese. For a dip, I wasn't breaking out the good stuff. And no, I didn't remember to include the may or the Monterrey Jack here. | | |
Mix it all up, and spread it in a baking dish you've greased. I just used Pam spray.
See that mayonnaise-y glob on the left? That's the dollop from the last few bits I got from scraping the bowl. |
Bake at 350 until the edges are bubbly and starting to brown. This took us about 40 minutes.
These are cell phone snapshots and I put them both here because they were both
equally bad the same quality.
Serve! A food stylist, I am not.
Also I may have eaten half the chips I put on this plate before I took the picture.
This is a satisfying hot dip, but I wouldn't say it's anything amazing. As you can imagine, the flavor was dominated by the corn -- as it should be for a corn dip, right?
(That sounded stupid, but Food Network Star is on in the background and I'm trying to be specific in my descriptions. You know, taking a little advice from the experts and all!)
I was hoping the diced chiles would give it a little more bite than they did. This dip was not spicy at all, which was disappointing and surprising. I said earlier that I wasn't sure if I would make this again, and what I meant was that this dip is similar enough to the other dip that I make -- with just enough differences in ingredients -- that it would come down to what we had in the house rather than an outright preference. However, if I did make this again I would try to use fresh peppers
(serranos would be my preference) to kick up the heat a bit and make it a little more flavorful.
I'm going to post the other corn dip recipe in a
separate post. If you make it, please tell me what you think!